We are proud to announce...
...that we have recently joined the close to 50 neighboring co-ops and have been accepted into the National Grocers Association program. We could not have dreamed of being in this position if it were not for our supportive owners and consumers. Thank you!
One beautiful part of being a cooperative is the support you recieve and give to other co-ops and this program makes it even easier. Cooperatives have a similar mission that does not include making money for one owner, rather it includes supporting our thousand (plus!) owners and doing what we can to get quality food, education and support to our community. We do not hesitate to call up our neighboring coops for advice and we gladly answer any questions that come our way as well. The support we can recieve from NCG is inmeasurable and we are proud to be a part of this network.
You may have noticed some fresh new bags at the check out. We are now offering bags that are ready to help you carry your goods to your car safely and efficiently. We also strongly believe in reuse and recycle, so we encourage you to bring in your own bag or basket and we will be honored to give you $0.10 off your grocery bill per bag! We will also accept any used bags you bring in and will donate or recycle them.