BULK SAVINGS! We all know that buying in bulk can save us money, but buying in bulk can be so much more! At Whole Earth we offer the opportunity for you to buy as little as you want and save as if you were buying in huge quantities! Thats right. You can buy 1/8 of a pound of trail mix or italian seasoning and save as if you were buying a 5 pound bag (don't worry, if you want 5 pounds you can buy that too!) By choosing bulk you are also choosing to skip on packaging, which means it won't end up in a landfill. You save money and we achieve our mission of " generating positive economic and environmental change"....it's a WIN WIN! Never bought in bulk before? No worries! We all were bulk first-timers at one point in time and we are here to help. We have clear instructions posted in our bulk section and try to make it as non-intimidating as possible. Stop on down with your reuseable containers (we also have some for a nominal fee) and fill up on savings! Can't remember how to prepare the bulk food you bought? Click on the link below for a full list of instructions.